You are at a great disadvantage when it comes to foreclosure; the laws are stacked against you. Most people know that, so they assume that hiring a foreclosure defense attorney will be a waste of time and money. This honestly could not be further from the truth. Hiring a foreclosure defense lawyer will greatly increase the odds of a successful solution being reached in your foreclosure case. At the very least, it will buy you a significant amount of time to work on a preferred solution with the lender. You should work with a foreclosure lawyer even if you want to leave your house because the bank may come after you for a deficiency (amount due after sale of your property) after the sale of your home. If that sounds like you, we will help you walk away without a deficiency lawsuit hanging over your head. However, if you want to challenge your lender, the attorneys at JRQ & Associates will aggressively fight the lawsuit to stop foreclosure and save your home.
For informative purposes only, we have outlined an uncontested foreclosure timeline for a borrower that resides at a property in Cook County.
As stated, the above timeline applies to borrowers that live at a property located in Cook County. Each county has different requirements, but the timeline is roughly the same throughout the State of Illinois. The bottom line is that a well-oiled creditor law firm may have you out of the property in 9-12 months if you do not contest the lawsuit. An experienced foreclosure defense attorney at JRQ & Associates will thoroughly review your case and advise you of your options. We offer a free, no obligation, consultation with one of our foreclosure defense lawyers to discuss your situation and figure out the best course of action. Don’t sit back and let your lender win; stop foreclosure and save your home.
JRQ & Associates, LLC
141 W Jackson Blvd, Suite 2720
Chicago, IL 60604
[email protected]
312-561-5063 (En)
312-561-5062 (Es)
© 2022 JRQ & Associates, LLC. All rights reserved.